Thursday, January 19, 2012

On Scouting

So, so, SO proud of you, Justinbustin. And your amazing father who is caring and compassionate with yours and his relationship and raising you to be a man. You earned Star tonight in Boys Scouts and are one rank away from Eagle. Watching you gain this achievement and mature over the last month has been incredible to watch. You are an amazing man, Justinbustin, and a blessing. I am so grateful to God for you. And your father.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

On Advice

This week has been really crazy. Last night I was on the edge of burn out. Last night you told me, "Mom, when you feel like you can't do anymore, that's when you push through. Then, next time you will be able to do more."

 I feel like I'm growing up with you with all of your maturity lately.